Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

One and a Half Stars

Meh. It was ok.

This isn't the best Indy ever, and in the series ranks just above the Temple of Doom, (damn you Short Round!). Anyway, some familiar faces (and artifacts!) make a reappearance, and the laughs are good enough to make it worth seeing. Definitely go see it if you have seen the first three, but that doesn't mean you have to be an Indy fan to get the movie. I took a friend and she got everything except the obvious Indy only references.

The main qualm I had with this movie was Lucasfilm. I think George got a little too many of his fingerprints on the movie. Over reliance on Computer Graphics for one thing. And oh yeah, a giant space ship. WTF? Thats not Indy.

Also, this only matters if you know anything about the crystal skulls, but they actually exist. So they are real, yet none of the skulls that make an appearance in this movie bear any resemblance to the real skulls. This lack of "actual" crystal skulls could have been easily explained away by explaining the significance of the fact that there were thirteen skulls. That may just be being picky about facts though but the two best Indiana Jones movies (Last Crusade and Raiders of the Lost Arch) were both based on very well known legends and both had realistic relics.

Thats about all that can be said against the movie really. Ford delivers a great performance, slipping on the old role like an old favorite hat (haha, get it?). Blanchet is a decent enough villain, Allen returns with her same happy-go-lucky outlook, and even LaBeouf does a good job as a headstrong greaser with something to prove, and more to learn.

Last thoughts: Worth seeing in theaters, but not a must see film of the year.

Indiana Jones Webpage

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