Thursday, May 22, 2008

Iron Man

Four Stars

Simply put this is one of the best movies made from a comic book. I saw this movie three times.

Tony Stark, weapons producer, discovers just who is receiving his weapons shipments, and finds himself at the receiving end of his creations. Escaping captivity in the suit he dubs Mark I, Stark begins taking justice into his own, metallic hands.

The comedy, action, and character development are smart, well paced, and cater to all audiences.

I was rolling on my chair with laughter from Stark's witty remarks and comebacks. The interaction between the jokes and the storyline is perfect since it didn't overshadow the movie. The jokes meant for the younger viewers are funny no matter what age you are, and the comments slipped in for the older viewers blend in seamlessly to the movie.

The action starts minutes into the movie and climbs throughout. Explosions, guns, and iron... well gold alloy... machines are a constant throughout the movie, but the violence is by no means over stated. In a few instances the action is softened with humor as well.

Despite Tony Stark's... questionable moral choices, there are lines he will not cross. Giving weapons to the other guy is one of them. After his terrorist capture, Stark's change from pretentious playboy to vigilantly hero is believable and complete.

The animation in this film is spectacular and with the exception of one or two scenes is undetectable as computer generated.

The bottom line here is, go see this movie, you won't be disappointed. And one more thing, if you know anything about the comic book, or you just like little easter eggs, stay until after the credits. Better yet, since the credits are long enough, go relieve your bladder from the 48oz coke you just downed and then come back. There's a 15 second clip at the end that will make the next Iron Man, (oh yes, there will be more) make more sense.

Iron Man Webpage

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